Chronic Chronos Kairos Release Party

Friday, November 4, 7pm – Poetry
Chronic Chronos Kairos Release Party With
Courtney Bambrick, JenMarie Davis, Nick Gettino, Jacob Russell

Courtney K. Bambrick is the poetry editor at Philadelphia Stories. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in such journals as Apiary, Certain Circuits, Dirty Napkin, Philadelphia Poets, Mad Poets Review, and the Schuylkill Valley Journal. Courtney currently teaches writing and literature at Holy Family University, Philadelphia University, and Gwynedd-Mercy College. She recently coordinated the third annual Children’s Arts Program for kids at Old Academy Players in her neighborhood. She lives with poet Peter Baroth in East Falls.

JenMarie Davis writes and makes books. As half of Fact-Simile Editions, a press that builds books from recycled and reclaimed material, she is concerned with how the phenomenal book manifests: as translation and embodiment. She has fashioned books that have appeared in exhibits such as Handmade/Homemade and her writing has appeared in Glitterpony, Court Green, Little Red Leaves, Interim and Gargoyle. She has a chapbook,  Sometime Soon Ago (Shadow Mountain, 2009).

Nick Gettino is a junior at Swarthmore College. He’s been a first reader for Saturnalia Books’ annual poetry prize and has interned at Tupelo Press. Last April, he was featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer’s spread of “Philadelphia Poets Under 30.”

Jacob Russell was born in Chicago a long time ago. He arrived in Philly on a Vespa motor scooter in 1964 and never found the exit. He’s been wandering the streets of Philly every since searching for Found Things. Spirit Stick says: “Found Things may be given shelter, but lose all their powers if possessed.” Spirit Stick says: “Found Things can never be lost–were you to discard all Things you claim to own–that they be Found & granted their freedom, we might yet save ourselves from self-destruction.” For links to Jacob’s published writing, check out his blog, Jacob Russell’s Barking Dog.