Dr. Patti Feuereisen author of Invisible Girls: The Truth about Sexual Abuse

author of Invisible Girls: The Truth about Sexual Abuse ($16.95 Seal Press)
April is Sexual Abuse/Assault Month and The Statistics Are Staggering

You are invited to join us for an enlightening and compelling discussion and reading to hear voices of sex abuse survivors as you’ve never heard before while Dr. Patti reads from her new edition- This will be a frank and daring talk about a subject that is often not spoken about. Dr. Patti will be available for comments and after the reading. One in four girls will experience sexual abuse by the time she is sixteen, and 48 percent of all rapes involve a young woman under the age of eighteen. It’s not surprising then, that in a society where sexual abuse of young women is rampant, many women never share their stories. They remain hidden and invisible.
Patti Feuereisen, Ph.D.—or Dr. Patti— a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, is a pioneer in the treatment of sexual abuse, particularly in treating adolescent girls and young women and the author of Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse—A Book For Teen Girls, Young Women, and Everyone Who Cares About Them. An updated re-issue of Invisible Girls was released in September 2009 with new chapters, including one focusing on sexl trafficking of teen girls. Her website www.girlthrive.com is an invaluable resource for young female sex abuse survivors from around the world and, in 2004, Dr. Feuereisen founded Girlthrive Inc.—the only non profit charity specifically designed to honor teen girls and young women who have survived sexual abuse through scholarships, opportunity and education. Prior to her full-time private practice, Dr. Patti worked in group homes, private psychiatric hospitals, and foster care agencies with teen girls.
Sexual abuse and incest are not topics often discussed in public. Dr. Patti’s approachable, interactive workshops and talks elicit understanding for those who haven’t experienced sexual abuse as well as healing for those who have been hurt. Dr. Patti is a compelling speaker for Take Back The Night events and Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming. Her message is honest and yet always inspiring. After more than two decades treating incest survivors, she has seen over and over again that girls can heal from sexual abuse.