E-Verse Equinox Reading Series, hosted by Ernest Hilbert

Tuesday, September 18, 7pm – Poetry

E-Verse Equinox Reading Series, hosted by Ernest Hilbert, returns with an evening of poetry featuring renowned poets Michael Dickman, Jehanne Dubrow, Catie Rosemurgy, and Thomas Devaney. Not to be missed!

Michael Dickman’s first collection, The End of the West, was published in 2009 by Copper Canyon Press. He is also the co-author with his twin brother Matthew of 50 American Plays, also from Copper Canyon Press. His second collection of poetry, Flies (Copper Canyon Press, 2011), received the 2010 James Laughlin Award. Dickman appeared with his twin brother as two of the three “precogs” in the 2002 Hollywood film Minority Report.

Jehanne Dubrow is the author of three poetry collections, including most recently Stateside (2010). In autumn 2012, Northwestern University Press will publish her fourth book of poems, Red Army Red. Her first book, The Hardship Post (2009), won the Three Candles Press Open Book Award, and her second collection, From the Fever-World, won the Washington Writers’ Publishing House Poetry Competition (2009). She lives in Washington, DC.

Catie Rosemurgy’s poetry collections include The Stranger Manual (2010) and My Favorite Apocalypse (2001). Her poems have been featured in the anthologies Isn’t It Romantic: 100 Love Poems by Young American Poets (2004), Poetry 30 (2005), and Best American Poetry (1997). She is the recipient of a 2012 Pew Foundation fellowship.

Thomas Devaney’s two poetry collections are A Series of Small Boxes (Fish Drum, 2007) and The American Pragmatist Fell in Love (Banshee Press, 1999). He also published a nonfiction book, Letters to Ernesto Neto (Germ Folios, 2005). Devaney is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Haverford College.