Joyce Bacon author of I Survived: From Pain To Perseverance

Friday, October 5, 6:30pm – Non-Fiction

Joyce Bacon author of I Survived: From Pain To Perseverance

Everyone in this world believe it or not has encountered trials and tribulations of some degree. Some of us through faith, determination and perseverance have overcome them, not allowing our circumstances to consume us. But there are many who have not been able to overcome. They are alone, depressed, abused, hurting, fighting to achieve their dreams and lack the motivation to arise. They are paralyzed in their pain looking for a way to become mobile again. They are living a life of despair and want to break free but don’t know how. I SURVIVED: From Pain To Perseverance is the true story of the life of Joyce Bacon. A woman who is well acquainted with: domestic violence, family trauma, sexual abuse, oppression, depression, crisis, despair and the psychological effects of it all. As she shares her story of trials, triumph and survival, she hopes to encourage and inspire all that they too can not only overcome, but begin living a life of freedom a life full of hope. We Survived!

Joyce Bacon a single mother of four, two of whom are special needs, knows first hand the overwhelming issues that result from family discord, domestic violence, and financial hardships. She can identify with despair. She knows what it is like to have dreams and want to accomplish your goals, but feels stuck mentally and continue in a cycle of non-productivity. Joyce became a mother at the age of seventeen, and spent the better part of 15 years overcoming depression, abuse, and family trauma, all while facing the challenges of raising four children. But through God, faith, perseverance, and self determination, Joyce fought her way out of oppression and turned her broken family into a unified force. Joyce Bacon’s own personal struggle provided her with the knowledge and the will to reach out to others to give them hope, to empower and strengthen them, and to lead them out of a life of poverty and abuse. Joyce Bacon moved by her own personal experience of isolationism, hopelessness, and loneliness, formed The Hope Movement, LLC. The mission of The Hope Movement is to encourage women, men and families in general who are experiencing adversity and trails that have no clue on what to do. To let them know that they can indeed make it, and show them how to turn their pain into perseverance. She has also founded United Families, Inc. A non-profit organization designed to support families that have experienced any level of abuse and trauma. Today, Joyce Bacon is totally committed to her family of four children, and she has committed herself to helping spread hope to all people across the world. She is an inspiration of hope for abused women, desperate parents, and underachieving children in every broken family she encounters.


One response to “Joyce Bacon author of I Survived: From Pain To Perseverance”

  1. Thanks so much for the blog.Much thanks again. Want more.