Jubilant Thicket Presents

Sunday, August 12, 7pm – Poetry

Jubilant Thicket Presents

Mytili Jagannathan, Chris Tonneli, Suzan Jivan

Hosted by Anne-Adele Wight

Mytili Jagannathan listens to the notion that “every letter is an alphabet,” making poems that investigate public and private space, power, gender, property, desire, collectivity, and the conditions of speech. She is the author of Acts, a chapbook from Habenicht Press; and her poems have appeared in Sous Rapture, EOAGH, Rattapallax, Mirage#4/Period[ical], Combo, Fanzine, Interlope, Xcp: Cross-Cultural Poetics, and Indivisible: An Anthology of Contemporary South Asian American Poetry. She’s currently dreaming up film/poetry collaborations with filmmaker Sara Zia Ebrahimi, which so far has yielded the short Up Against (also in collaboration with electronic musician Gralin Hughes) for the “Shelter” episode of the Termite TV Collective.

Chris Tonneli is one of the founding editors of Birds, LLC, an independent poetry press. He also founded and curates the So and So Series and edits the So and So Magazine. He is the author of The Trees Around (Birds, LLC), No Theater (Brave Men Press), For People Who Like Gravity and Other People (Rope-A-Dope Press), A Mule-Shaped Cloud (horseless press), and Wide Tree (Kitchen Press). His newest work can be found in the Leveler and is forthcoming in an anthology that he’s pretty sure is called fuck poems. He works at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, where he lives with his wife Allison, their son Miles, and their daughter Vera.

“Suzán Jiván”, her no de plume, originated in 1984 when her photo professor brought back the word Hindi for “life” from an assignment in India. The accents over the second syllables of her first and last names typify “accenting” the second half of her life. It is her heart-felt desire to promote life through her poetry and visual art. Her blog www.phillyscapes.blogspot.com is dedicated to her late husband, Stanislaus Dubowski. It is her hope that he will “live on” via her art, and enrich the lives of readers worldwide…