La Quarta Via and Aulò – Documentaries

Wednesday, September 5, 7pm – Documentary Film Viewing & Discussion

Co-Sponsored by America-Italy Society

Simone Brioni, writer and director and introduced by Charles Cantalupo

These two documentaries written and directed by Simone Brioni, La Quarta Via and Aulò,  have been presented in many European universities including at Università La Sapienza, Rome – Oxford University, UCL-London and ICI Berlin. They are in Italian with English subtitles.

Simone Brioni is a PhD student and Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at Warwick University. He studied English, French and Spanish at Università di Bologna (bachelor degree), and Spanish and American Literature at Università di Trento (master degree). Since 2009, the focus of Simone’s research is post-colonial Italian literature. Concerning this topic, he has directed and written the documentaries La Quarta Via (ITA, 2009, 38’) and Aulò (ITA, 2011, 40’). In La Quarta via, the Italian writer of Somali origins Kaha Mohamed Aden narrates her memories of Mogadishu and reconstructs its story in Pavia, where she currently lives. In Aulò, the Italian writer of Eritrean origins Ribka Sibhatu tells her story of migration and discusses the history of Italian colonialism. Simone’s Phd thesis, provisionally entitled The Somali within: Questions of Language, Identity and Resistance in Minor Italian literature, analyses writings by authors of Somali origins in Italian.

Charles Cantalupo, a professor at Pennsylvania State University Schuylkill, has spent his life teaching, writing poetry, translating books of African poetry, and editing books. At Pennsylvania State University, Cantalupo teaches English, Comparative Literature, and African Studies.