Latia Johnson author of Scribes In Stilettos

Saturday, June 9, 7pm – Fiction – $25 Cover – Poetry Show Party, Refreshments, Drinks & Giveaways, Best Stilettos contest Cash Prize, Dress is Fashionable

Latia Johnson
author of Scribes In Stilettos ($24.99, Johnson)

Written with a pen dipped in life experiences of the journey through womanhood. Accompanied by beautiful photography; Scribes In Stilettos is rich with soul. Love, triumphs, sorrows and everything in between are nestled between these pages…Let the journey begin. DESTINY Armed with Courage and draped in Confidence I stand upright stacked on the heels of my predecessors Strutting, prancing and spinning as the sun reflects its rays Matching my shine Armed with Courage and draped in Confidence I travel the road paved by great women before me My stilettos adorned with wisdom, humility and self-worth Evoke clarity necessary for my appointed destination.