SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 4pm – Poetry
Celebration of Light: A Tribute to Lucille Clifton
Everyone is invited to share their poems and memories of Lucille

“It will take a long time for many of us to truly accept a world that goes on without Lucille Clifton – one that goes on often without much apparent evidence of her profound existence for so many. We thought that an event would be in order, to recognize and testify to Lucille’s gifts, imprint, and traces, as the season of her birth begins. We envision an afternoon of multi-media, polyvocal experiences that call out to the spirit of Lucille, reciprocating what she did so well and long for all of us: personal vignettes, reading of favorite poems, film clips and excerpts from Lucille’s readings, and undoubtedly, some music.” – Nzadi Keita



  1. If you visit my blog, you’ll note that i have two entries concerning Lucille. Also, on my blog, are two pieces of music (which you can download free) from my album “Works in Progress” which is both on and for sale on itunes under the artist name “bted”. I was very fortunate to meet with Lucille at the Dodge Festival and shared my feelings of love for both her and her work. She was extremely kind to me. I found her personally to be quite beautiful. I’ve have missed her everyday since her passing.