Moonstone Poetry Series: Justin Vitiello

Tuesday, April 26, 7pm – Poetry
The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents
Justin Vitiello

Justin Vitiello has taught Italian and Comparative Literature at Temple University in Philadelphia and Rome, focusing his creative, political and scholarly writings on America, Italy and Spain. His books include: Vanzetti’s Fish Cart, subway home, and Suicide of an Ethnic Poet.

Open Reading follows feature, coordinated by Ray Garman.


One response to “Moonstone Poetry Series: Justin Vitiello”

  1. Diane Russell Avatar
    Diane Russell

    You were a great source of inspiration. I enjoyed the many
    hours that I was blessed to be in your company. You
    were an ocean of information, a great story teller, a caring
    person, and an activist for the people. You believed in the
    ”Underdog” and never let anyone or anything go unrecognized.
    You had and shared very heart warming and prideful moments about you beautiful family and all the love and joy they brought to your life. I know your legacy will live strong and and live long in so many you have touched…. Thank you.