MPS: Catherine Staples & David Moolten

Tuesday September 13, 7pm – Poetry

The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

Catherine Staples & David Moolten

Catherine Staples grew up in Dover, Massachusetts and still spends part of each summer on Cape Cod. Her poems have appeared in Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, Third Coast, Valparaiso, Commonweal, The Michigan Quarterly Review, and others. She was selected by Amy Clampitt for the University of Pennsylvania’s William Carlos Williams Award, is the recipient of two APR Distinguished Poets’ Residencies,  The New England Poetry Club’s Boyle/ Farber Award, and the Southern Poetry Review’s Guy Owen 2011. Her manuscript has been a finalist for Utah State University’s May Swenson Poetry Award, Lost Horse’s Idaho Prize, Northeastern’s Morse, Eastern Washington University’s Spokane, and Ohio State University’s The Journal Award. She teaches in the Honors program at Villanova University and lives in Devon, PA with her husband and children. Betsy Sholl selected her chapbook as the co-winner of Seven Kitchens Press’ 2010 Keystone Prize. Never a Note Forfeit is dedicated to her beloved brother, Paul Calello.

David  Moolten is a poet and a filmmaker. His most recent book, Primitive Mood, won the T.S. Eliot Prize from Truman State University Press. He is also the author of two previous books, Plums & Ashes, which won the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize, and Especially Then. His poems have appeared in Poetry, The Georgia Review, The Kenyon Review, The Southwest Review, and Epoch, among other journals and reviews. His work has been widely anthologized and his honors include a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship and a Pushcart Prize.

“Astronaut Goes From Migrant Fields To Outer Space,” a short film featuring video, animation, and spoken word, has been screening nationally at festivals. Moolten, a physician specializing in transfusion medicine, was educated at Harvard College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.  He lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.