MPS: Elaine Terranova & W.D. Ehrhart

Tuesday, June 5, 7pm – Poetry

Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

Elaine Terranova & W.D. Ehrhart

Elaine Terranova’s latest book of poems is Dames Rocket.  Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Prairie Schooner, and other magazines.  Her first book, The Cult of the Right Hand, won the 1990 Walt Whitman Award. Other books are Damages, The Dog’s Heart, Not To: New and Selected Poems, and a chapbook, Elegiac: Footnotes from Rilke’s Duino Elegies.  Her translation of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.  She has received an NEA, a Pew Fellowship and a Pushcart Prize.  She teaches at the Community College of Philadelphia and in the MFA Creative Writing Program at Rutgers-Camden.

“To read these poems is to experience an awakening, to be suddenly attentive to the odd fact of being a self in a strange world.”–Jeanne Murray Walker

W. D. Ehrhart is author or editor of 20 books of poetry and prose, most recently Dead on a High Hill: Essays on War, Literature & Living, 2002-2012.  A Marine veteran of both the Vietnam War and Vietnam Veterans Against the War, he teaches history and English at the Haverford School. The essays in Dead on a High Hill range from the Vietnam War failures of American policy-makers to life in 21st century Vietnam; from the trenches of the Western Front and the mountains of Korea to the sands of Iraq; from the value of one’s name to the cowardice of Congress; mountain gorillas in Rwanda, the journalist Gloria Emerson, teaching poetry to teenagers; the famous (Wilfred Owen) and the obscure (Robert James Elliott.  These essays explore the fallacies of history, the madness of war, the craft of poetry, the profession of teaching, and the art of living.