MPS: Elizabeth Bodien & Le Hinton

Tuesday, May 24, 7pm – Poetry

The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

Elizabeth Bodien & Le Hinton

Elizabeth Bodien lives near Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania. She taught at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA until 2007.  Her poetry has appeared in The Litchfield Review, The Fourth River, Watershed, red lights, Fledgling Rag, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Mad Poets Review, US 1 Worksheets, and Cimarron Review, among other publications. Her chapbooks include the award-winning Plumb Lines, (Plan B Press 2008), Rough Terrain: Notes of an Undutiful Daughter (FootHills Publishing 2010), and the recently published Endpapers (Finishing Line Press 2011).
Le Hinton, who “lives and works, simultaneously, in Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Harrisburg, swims in the third stream that is somewhere between being a spoken word poet and a page poet, and thinks that everyone should own at least one copy of Miles Davis’s Kind of Blue. Hinton is the author of four books of poetry, including Status Post Hope and Black on Most Days and is the editor and publisher of the poetry journal Fledgling Rag.