Philadelphia Stories Fiction Workshop

An 8-week workshop from the area’s popular literary magazine that offers writing tips, assignments, and peer critique.

Moderator: Aimee LaBrie received her MA in writing from DePaul University in 2000 and her MFA in fiction Penn State in 2003. Her collection of short stories, Wonderful Girl, won the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction in 2007 and was published by the University of North Texas Press. Other stories of hers have been published in Minnesota Review, Pleiades, Quarter After Eight, Iron Horse Literary Review, and numerous other literary journals. Her short story, “Ducklings” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Pleiades.

Fee: $200. Writing sample required (max word count of 2000 words). STUDENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY MS. LABRIE.

Schedule: Mondays, May 10-July 5, 6:15-8:15pm.

Location: Robin’s Moonstone, second floor of 110A S. 13th Street (convenient to parking and just 3 blocks from Suburban Station)

The course: Each week will focus on critiquing three pieces from members of the group, facilitated
by the moderator. All submissions must be posted by 5pm on Friday. Two submissions, critiques, and attendance are mandatory for all students. The groups will communicate through Yahoo Groups (we’ll help you set this up).

The schedule is as follows:

* Monday 6:15-8:15pm: meeting at Robin’s Moonstone. Each meeting starts with a brief discussion of the previous week’s writing assignment, and then the class critiques each submission.
* Every Wednesday: Writing assignment emailed to group members to help sharpen your writing skills and expand your writing toolbox.
* Every Friday by 5pm: Submission due by 5pm for the following Monday class.

The goal: To provide writing discussion and professional development to help you improve your writing and learn through the peer-critique process. Writers of all experience levels are welcome. Online discussions throughout the week on Yahoo Groups are not limited to peer critiques about each other’s work, but about anything related to writing. Did the tip and assignment help you? Did you just read a great book you want to recommend? The Philadelphia Stories Writer’s Group should become an online community of writers sharing their passion for writing and reading. For more information, please email christine@philadelphiastories.orgFor more information, please email