Water Cures, Drugs Kill: A Study Group

MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 6:30pm – Study Group
Water Cures, Drugs Kill: A Study Group

“Water Cures, Drugs Kill” A Study Group Jan. 18th, 2010 (Please; Repeat every Monday!) The aim of this group is to study, apply and spread the good news about the biggest medical breakthrough you never heard of! Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, an Iranian born gastroenterologist, discovered that most of the chronic, degenerative diseases that kill millions of people around the world each year; cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. can be cured with his Water Protocol. Over 20 years experience, research and testimonials attest to the efficacy of his approach to curing disease. Bill Young, a Nutritional Therapy Coach, used his protocol to cure his diabetes and his asthma. Bill, by leading a study group based on the doctor’s book, “Water Cures, Drugs Kill,” is determined to share word of the doctor’s astounding discoveries that can save lives and free millions from the tyranny of Big Pharma.

Seating is severely limited for this session. Please join the group and reserve your seat: www.meetup.com/water-cures-a-study-group