Tuesday, October 18, 7pm – Poetry
Poets & Prophets Presents
Lois Marie Harrod

Lois Marie Harrod presently teaches Creative Writing and supervises student teachers at The College of New Jersey as well as teaches in the Evergreen Forum at Princeton Senior Resource Center. Her collection of poems Brief Term has just been published by Black Buzzard Press. Her Cosmogony won the 2010 Flyway Hazel Lipa Chapbook contest (Iowa State University) and her Furniture won the 2008 Grayson Press Poetry Prize. Earlier books include Firmament, Put Your Sorry Side Out, Spelling the World Backwards, This Is a Story You Already Know, Part of the Deeper Sea, Every Twinge a Verdict, Crazy Alice and Green Snake Riding. Over 400 of her poems have appeared online, in anthologies and in journals including American Poetry Review, Blueline, The MacGuffin, Salt, The Literary Review, Verse Daily and Zone3.