Red Ink: Celebrating the Radical Tradition and honoring Howard Zinn

Red Ink: Celebrating the Radical Tradition and honoring Howard Zinn

with Photography, Music, Theater, Poetry & Prose, featuring
Urban Nomads: A Photo Documentation of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union by Harvey Finkle
Galen Tyler, Coordinator for the Kensington Welfare Rights Union and Cheri Honkala, Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
John Doyle, director, and Bob Weick actor, on working with Howard Zinn in producing Marx In Soho
AnitaFix+ReturnTheLand singing songs of resistance and freedom, bringing the street to the stage and the stage to the streets.
Ewuare X. Osayande on Howard Zinn and African American history
Open Mic for poetry and prose of protest

A Photo Documentation of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union by Harvey Finkle is a documentary still photographer who has produced a substantial body of work concerned with social, political and cultural issues. His work has been extensively exhibited and published, including three books entitled, “Urban Nomads,” “Still Home: Jews of South Philadelphia” and “Reading.”
His recent work includes a documentation of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU), a poor people’s movement emanating from the poorest neighborhood in Pennsylvania which will be on display from April 28 to May 22, May 2 will be the opening; and “The Jews of South Philadelphia,” interviews and photographs of the remnants of what once was among the largest Jewish communities in the nation.
His ongoing work includes documenting the activities of many progressive organizations including a death penalty abolitionist group, ACT-UP, ADAPT (disabled activists), KWRU, and other groups concerned with housing and homelessness. Also, his work includes an extensive inventory of images depicting all aspects of life in Deaf culture, plus a substantial collection of photos dealing with education.
Works in progress are about the new wave of immigrant and refugee families who have settled in urban areas and the evolving Transgender community. Visit Harvey Finkle on the web.

Galen Tyler, The Kensington Welfare Rights Union and Cheri Honkala, Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign is a progressive social justice, political action, and advocacy group of, by, and for the poor and homeless operating out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and led by Galen Tyler. The group was formed in Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood in April of 1991. KWRU is a part of the national organization the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign a coalition of grassroots organizations, community groups, and non-profit organizations committed to uniting the poor across color lines as the leadership base for a broad movement to abolish poverty. KWRU is also a member of the steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition. The KWRU was written about in the book Myth of the Welfare Queen by writer and journalist David Zucchino.

John Doyle, Director and Bob Weick, Actor on working with Howard Zinn to produce Marx In Soho – With Bob Weick as Karl Marx, Directed by John Doyle
Sunday Bob and John will talk about working with Howard Zinn and do an excerpt. On Monday May 3 at 7:30 Moonstone and Iron Age Theater will present a full presentation of Marx In Soho, Tickets, $10.

“Bob Weick captured Marx and his ideas with the proper strength and subtlety, moving very effectively through a range of moods: humorous,angry, poignant. We admired Weick’s transitions, change of pace, the nuances of feeling. In short, I am very happy with what Bob has done. John Doyle directed the play brilliantly “. Howard Zinn author of Marx in Soho & The People’s History of The United States

Check out the Iron Age Theatre web site.

AnitaFix+ReturnTheLand are a Z gender anarchic folk performance group from Pittsburgh/NYC singing songs of resistance and freedom, bringing the street to the stage and the stage to the streets. Sprung from the vibrant Rickety counter-culture rock- and-roll collective, we stand against the corporatocracy that uses the U.S. government and its silent, compliant masses to occupy, subjugate and exploit a large portion of the world. We stand for freedom of expression and lifestyle, joy in creation, wild love and the rule of nature.

Ewuare X. Osayande is a political activist, award-winning author, cultural analyst, poet, essayist, publisher and internet radio talk show host. The Quarterly Black Review has called Osayande “one of Black America’s newest insurgent intellectuals coming to the table with enough mental firepower to be a David Walker for our time.” He is co-founder and director of POWER (People Organized Working to Eradicate Racism) and creator of Project ONUS: Redefining Black Manhood. Osayande is creator and host of “The Resistance,” a bi-weekly talk show that made its international internet debut on on February 9, 2010.

Open Mic for poetry and prose of protest