Russ Kick editor of the Graphic Canon

Tuesday, May 29, 7pm – Graphic Arts

Russ Kick editor of and Robert Berry (contributor) to the
Graphic Canon (3 volume set $90.)

The Graphic Canon has been hailed as “the graphic publishing literary event of the year,” by Publisher’s Weekly and it’s editor Russ Kick will be embarking on an East Coast tour of independent bookstores to promote this incredible collection of the world’s great literature interpreted by artists and illustrators, including R. Crumb, Will Eisner, Molly Crabapple, Gareth Hinds, and many more. This three volume set includes pieces from 130 illustrators interpreting 190 literary works, many newly commissioned, some hard to find, in the most all-encompassing collection of graphic literature to date.

Volume One: From The Epic of Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Dangerous Liaisons comes out on May 22nd and covers the earliest literature through the end of the 1700’s. Selections include The Odyssey, Beowulf and The Divine Comedy, Lysistrata by Aristophanes, Native American folktales, a Japanese play, Chinese poetry and The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a selection from Seymour Chwast’s adaptation of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and R. Crumb’s rarely seen adaptation of James Boswell’s London Journal.

Volume 2: Kubla Khan to the Bronte Sisters to The Picture of Dorian Gray will be published in July 2012 and Volume 3: From Heart of Darkness to Hemingway to Infinite Jest will be published in October 2012, along with a boxed set of all three volumes.

Russ Kick’s bestselling anthologies, including You Are Being Lied To and Everyone You Know is Wrong, have sold over half a million copies. The New York Times has dubbed Kick “an information archaeologist” and Utne Reader named him one of its “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World.”