Ryan Eckes Presents Noel Black, Iris Cushing, Erin Morrill

Monday, October 8, 7pm – Poetry

Ryan Eckes Presents Noel Black, Iris Cushing, Erin Morrill

Noel Black lives in Manitou Springs, Colorado with his wife, artist Marina Eckler, and their sons Ursen and Jasper. Co-founder with Ed Berrigan of LOG Magazine and publisher of Angry Dog Midget Editions in the late 1990s, he has since worked as a writer and producer for a wide variety of media outlets including The Stranger and WNYC. He currently works as a producer for KRCC public radio. He is the author of half-a-dozen chapbooks including Hulktrans (Owl Press), In The City of Word People (Blue Press, 2008), and, most recently, the full-length Uselysses (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011).
Iris Marble Cushing was born in Tarzana, California. In 2011, she was a writer-in-residence at Grand Canyon National Park. Her poems have appeared in the Boston Review and other places. She lives in Brooklyn and edits Argos Books and Circumference: Poetry in Translation.
Erin Morrill grew up in Appalachian Tennessee, moved thirty times, and now lives in Brooklyn. Her work has more recently appeared in Aufgabe and Bombay Gin. Her chapbook Pornologue was released by Berkeley Neo Baroque in 2011. She has two other forthcoming chapbooks. She is the founder and manager of Trafficker Press which she runs with Andrew Kenower.