Alexis Del Palazzo premieres Peter Amsel’s piece for solo flute, Museum Triptych

Saturday, March 31, 8pm – $10 Cover – all ages –  Classical Music

Alexis Del Palazzo premieres Peter Amsel’s piece for solo flute, Museum Triptych

Classical music is alive and well as flutist Alexis Del Palazzo gives the world premiere of Peter Amsel’s piece for solo flute, Museum Triptych at Moonstone Arts Center on March 31 at 8 PM. Museum Triptych is a piece in three parts based on works of art found in the National Gallery of Canada. Museum Triptych came to fruition as a result of Peter and Alexis meeting one another on twitter. The program will take the listener on a global journey with vivid images and soundscapes that will spark the imagination with additional works by Debussy, Honegger, Schocker and Reinecke.

Alexis Del Palazzo is an active performer and teacher residing in Central Pennsylvania. She has performed widely across the United States including Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas and New York. A devoted performer of contemporary classical music, she collaborated with composer Konstantinos Karathanasis in a performance of his Piece for Flute and Electronics. She was a founding member of the AMA Flute Trio, performing regularly in upstate NY. Alexis received her B.M. in flute performance from the University of Oklahoma where she studied with Dr. Valerie Watts. Currently an Andover Educator trainee, Alexis is pursuing her license in order to teach the course, What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body.

Peter Amsel was born in Toronto and began his musical training in the city of Sudbury, Ontario, where he attended Cambrian College of Applied Arts & Technology where he received a three-year diploma in Pedagogy and Performance on Classical Guitar in 1989. He graduated in 1992 from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor’s of Music degree in Composition where he studied for three years under the tutelage of composer Steven Gellman, who had studied at the Paris Conservatoire with Olivier Messiaen. After completing his undergraduate studies Amsel spent one year at McGill University, in Montréal, working with composer Bruce Mather, and then returned for an additional year at the University of Ottawa to take advantage of another opportunity to work with Steven Gellman. Amsel has composed for both orchestra and chamber orchestra, chorus and solo voice, and diverse solo orchestral instruments.



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