Hoot Flash Fiction Workshop

Sunday, March 18, 1pm – Hoot Workshop
Hoot Flash Fiction Workshop
A short-short story workshop brought to you by HOOT (http://hootreview.com/), a local magazine of “flash” (very short) fiction and poetry.

In this workshop, we will focus on particularly short fiction–fewer than 150 words. We will begin with a short introduction to the form and a discussion of some published work. Then, we will give a writing prompt (a fun one!), write some “flash,” and exchange supportive, constructive feedback. You can participate even if you have never written a piece of short-short (“flash”) fiction before. Laptops encouraged! All levels welcome! Come meet local writers! All participants will automatically have their work considered for publication by HOOT!


One response to “Hoot Flash Fiction Workshop”

  1. Jonathan Franklin Avatar
    Jonathan Franklin

    Love to be part of this. Sounds like lots of fun.