The Brothers Network Presents Keith Clark

The Brothers Network Presents
Author of Black Manhood in james Baldwin, Ernest J. Gaines and August Wilson ($20.00 University of Illinois Press)

From Frederick Douglass to the present, the preoccupation of black writers with manhood and masculinity is a constant. Black Manhood in James Baldwin, Ernest J. Gaines, and August Wilson explores how in their own work three major African American writers contest classic portrayals of black men in earlier literature, from slave narratives through the great novels of Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison. Dr. Clark examines short stories, novels, and plays by Baldwin, Gaines, and Wilson, arguing that since the 1950s the three have interrupted and radically dismantled the constricting literary depictions of black men who equate selfhood with victimization, isolation, and patriarchy. Instead, they have reimagined black men whose identity is grounded in community, camaraderie, and intimacy. Delivering original and startling insights, this book appeals to our members with an interest in African American literature and identity politics. Our discussions are lively and thought-provoking — and even those who aren’t able to read the book are welcome to participate in the conversation. We encourage you to read the book, of course – copies are available at Robin’s Bookstore and Moonstone Arts Center, 110A South 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
The conversation begins before the discussion and continues after it on our interactive Web site, Please take a minute to join, so you may comment on the book and share your thoughts with your “friends” on our site. We look forward to seeing you online and in person!