The Last Word

Wednesday, June 15, 7pm – $5 Cover -Performance Art

The LasT WorD Presents “…LeaVe Nuthin aT HoMe… and LeAvE iT ALL oN sTaGe…”

Join Us FoR Our June 15th show when the LasT WorD celebrates its 3yr. Birthday… to celebrate we’re going throwing a Birthday BASH… complete with streamers, cake & presents…

An open mic, but rsvp QUICKLY! (to Attn: Skribbly LaCroix or Adrian Jackson, Jr.) We’ve hand selected our featured performers this month. Only 10 slots are open for 15min sets which include exclusive material only to be performed at OuR Birthday Party…

Backdrop in the back to bring you studio quality photos LIVE from the PARTY… (prints available)

A DJ and of course… or amazing audience….

The LasT WorD celebrates its three-year anniversary, over Three locations and lots of changes. JoiN us to commemorate this awesome moment, in the DIY, underground performance art saga…

Hosted by St. Skribbly LaCroix