The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents Dave Steel & Nina Corwin

Tuesday April 10, 7pm – Poetry

The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents Dave Steel & Nina Corwin

Dave Steel, age 50, is a poet, author, visual artist, photographer, blues musician and publisher. His current novel, Absinthe Mind- ed Journal (Diary of an Absinthe Drinker),  copyright summer 2009 by Nachtschatten Verlag of Switzerland (“Absinthe Trinker”). He lives in the Philadelphia area, but would rather live elsewhere.

Nina Corwin is the author of two books of poetry, The Uncertainty of Maps and Conversations With Friendly Demons and Tainted Saints. Her work has appeared in ACM, Forklift OH, Hotel Amerika, New Ohio Review, Southern Poetry Review, Verse and has been nominated for the Pushcart prize. Corwin is an Advisory Editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal and curates readings at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago where she co-edited Inhabiting the Body: A Collection of Poetry and Art By Women. She has read and performed her work across the country, at times set with musical or choreographic compositions. In daylight hours, she is a psychotherapist known for her work on behalf of victims of violence. Open Reading follows.