The Taller de Gráfica Popular

Sunday, May 6, 2pm – Exhibit, Film & Discussion

The Taller de Gráfica Popular, El Sole Sale Para Todos, Aqui Estamos, Blue Corn Alianza & Cenzontle Cuicatl Produced in cooperation with De Pueblo a Pueblo

The Taller de Gráfica Popular (People’s Graphic Workshop) was an artist’s print collective founded in Mexico in 1937 by artists Leopoldo MéndezPablo O’Higgins, and Luis Arenal. Peter Schneider, the organizer of the exhibition, is a collector of Mexican prints and an expert in the work of the TGP. His presentation will give context to the 29 prints exhibited. El Sole Sale Para Todos, chronicles the rapid growth of the Mexican community in the historically immigrant neighborhood of South Philadelphia. Aquí Estamos is a bilingual book documenting JUNTOS work and oral stories of Mexican immigrants written by Leticia Roa Nixon

Blue Corn Alianza (BCA) a transnational collective created to support and distribute organic blue corn products that come from the community of San Mateo Ozolco in Mexico.  Cenzontle Cuicatl is an Aztec Dance group which is the cultural branch of Blue Corn Alianza.