Friday, December 17, 8:30pm – Variety Show – BYOB -$4 – $5 Cover


We at the Revue are thrilled to say that this coming show has been tested in the world famous Hammacher Schlammer laboratories ensuring only the newest ancient technologies for satismacktion, with olive oiled action gears smoothly pumping away to inflate every gutsack with feelings of love towards your fellow audience members and adoration leaning towards obsession with a slate of acts unparalleled in the history of hysterical pregnancies.  You might catch a case yourself when you show up for this folks, don’t miss it.

  • Joe Stakun – The Jokey Jokey with a new spirtual persperctive to open thine eyes to the holies!
  • Alec McGovern – returns with a new edition of hardstorycore, Santa never seemed so ominous, and glassy eyed!
  • Michelle Crouch – founder and executor of the Apiary, hot hot new new lit rag for the Philthy gives a presentation on her time at the Stoogeum, largest private collection of Three Stooges memorabilia in existence!
  • THE AGRAN BOYS – Smash sensation from last year return!  A Father and his three sons serenade the masses with full glasses!
  • Los Culeros – Our house band who never disappoint and only anoint with the oils extra sebaceous!
  • Your host, Toby Louis David – Handin out laprides on my thigh-sled with a sackful of goodies and bellyful of queer!

Don’t MISS IT FOLKS!  Atheists, y’all come too, we got you, there is an upcoming totally secular astronomical event of relevance!  And pagans: That astronomical event is totally un-secular and you know it, so come along with your herb bong.