The Women’s Writing and Spoken Word Series

Monday, December 20, 7pm-9pm – Multi-Genre $5

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series

Pat McLean & Carol Ann Bond

Pat McLean teaches adult & teen poetry writing workshops at Temple University’s Pan-African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP) and Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. She is an award-winning poet and founder of “In The Company of Poets,” Philadelphia’s first all female ensemble. Pat has appeared on television and radio. She has been published in numerous publications including her own books entitled “A Sister Speaks Of…” and “Ain’t Gonna Bite My Tongue No More.” Also a published author, she has a collection of short stories entitled “Healing Her Hurts.” For more info please check her website at:

Carol Ann Bond was born on the dark side of a hill to a pack of wolves. She got a degree in anthropology and English which was just as useful as a bullet in the head. As a poet and prose writer she just writes whatever comes into her head.