E-Verse Equinox Reading Series at Moonstone Presents

Thursday, March 22, 7pm – Poetry
E-Verse Equinox Reading Series at Moonstone Presents
Afaa Michael Weaver, George Green, Bojan Louis

Hosted by Ernest Hilbert

Henry Louis Gates of Harvard University has remarked that Afaa Michael Weaver “is one of the most significant poets writing today.” Ed Ochester sees him as the “African American successor to Walt Whitman, and one of the finest American poets of his time.” A recipient of NEA and Pew fellowships, as well as a Pushcart prize, Weaver has taught university for twenty-five years and currently holds an endowed chair at Simmons College in Boston. His twelfth collection of poetry, The Government of Nature, will appear in 2013.

George Green is a second-generation New York School poet. He holds an MFA in poetry from the New School and currently teaches at Lehman College, CUNY, in the Bronx. His poems have appeared in the anthologies Poetry 180, and 180 More, and The Best American Poetry 2005 and 2008. His book Lord Byron’s Foot, winner of the New Criterion Poetry Prize, is forthcoming this fall from St. Augustine’s Press.

Bojan Louis is a member of the Navajo Nation. His poems have been published in The Kenyon Review, Platte Valley Review, and Hinchas de Poesía; his fiction in Alaska Quarterly Review. He is working as a service electrician in the Phoenix metropolitan area while completing a collection of poetry and another of short fiction.  He was recently a resident at The MacDowell Colony.