Women’s Writing & Spoken Word: Lynne Rabchuk & Maleka Fruean

Wednesday, March 9, 7pm – $5 Cover – Multi-Genre
The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series presents
Lynne Rabchuk & Maleka Fruean

Lynne “Inner Light” Rabchuk Born and raised in the big-small-town that is Philly, Inner Light managed to adopt a worldview that enables her to identify as a human being living on earth. Now, in her thirties (which she considers her second puberty) she is having much more fun being a grown up kid. Inner Light started writing poetry while going through a depression in high school. Though mostly unstudied in the art, she continued practicing her therapeutic craft even after moving beyond that dark period, in order to share her Inner Light with you, with the intention of inspiring hope and thought in others. Check out her newest blog pollyannaponderings.tumblr.com or email her at iaminnerlight@hotmail.com

Maleka Fruean was born in Western Samoa, grew up in New Jersey, and became an adult in Philly. She’s a mama, writer, artist, events coordinator, and aspiring activist. She’s read her poetry in tea houses, festivals, communal houses, and bookstores all throughout Philadelphia. She recently had her first piece of flash fiction published.

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series (Est. 2002 at Robin’s Bookstore) is a nurturing environment that celebrates women in the craft of multi-genre writing. For submissions information, our complete calendar, email list sign-up, and more, please visit www.WomensWritingSeries.org. SASE to: Women’s Writing Series, PO Box 30204, Philadelphia, PA 19103-8204.


One response to “Women’s Writing & Spoken Word: Lynne Rabchuk & Maleka Fruean”

  1. I would love to share with you an awesome event which will take place Saturday March 26th from 12noon to 4pm at the beautiful Mansion on Main Street in Voorhees New Jersey. This event has been developed to give those interested in writing a book, starting a business or ministry or, have an idea for an invention to help them with the next steps. We have the experts to share how they got started and we also want to provide information on consulting with those already established to mentor those who have the idea to do it. We are asking and hoping, you would consider partnering with us to spread the news and also encourage you to join us! I have attached the flyer and also a brief bio.

    Blessings and Thank you