WWSW: Laurie Pollack and Nikki Powerhouse

Monday, June 20, 7pm – $5 Cover – Multi-Genre

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series presents
Laurie Pollack and Nikki Powerhouse

Laurie Pollack believes that by creating, we honor, and connect to, the Source of inspiration and creative “fire” and create a more peaceful, gentler world. She honors Brighid, goddess of creativity and healing. She has self-published one book, “Peace Walk”, and is working on a new book,  “Musings”, expected to be self-published in 2012. She is the facilitator of The Blank Canvas: a monthly creativity circle/gathering that meets in Delaware County to do creative “stuff” together. She walks for peace every year in Nevada with Nevada Desert Experience and maintains the website for the Delaware County Peace Center. Laurie has recently branched out into collage and is experimenting with several forms of visual arts. She is in love with color in all its forms.

In her “day” job she is a computer programmer for a health related company. Writing and art feed her “right brain” after a day of precise report writing. She lives with her life partner of 16 years, Mary, and two carnivorous cats, Maggie and Kyra, who generously allow her to be vegetarian while under their roof. Contact: webpoet1(at)aol.com

Nikki Powerhouse is a native of Philadelphia, PA soil. An actress, playwright, poet, nude figure model and freedom dancer are many of her artistic expressions. She considers herself “commissioned by the ancestors” and is a channel for many characters, ranging from small child to elders, which she plays starkly and convincingly.  Nikki began her extensive theater training at the Philadelphia Creative Performing Arts High School, and continued her theater passion at Black Nexxus, Theatre for New Generation, and many theater classes in New York City. Her New York City stage credits includes: Notice Me presented in NYC Fringe Festival, Sex, God, and Heels, Queen Mary of Scotland and Khepera. In Philadelphia she has trained with The New Freedom Theater, and currently in her second year at Community College of Philadelphia and will finish her BFA at Temple University School of Theater Communications. Philadelphia stage credits includes: her one-woman show Fantasy is an Addiction (2005 Philly Fringe Festival), Black Women’s Arts Festival, lead role in Antigone, Seven Guitars, Fences, and Merry Wives of Windsor. Ms. Powerhouse’s flexibility leaves her audiences captivated by each every performance giving true mean to the name: Powerhouse! Contact: NikkiPowerhouse(at)yahoo.com

Hosted with live music by Cassendre Xavier! Always includes a Mixed-Gender Open Mic! Streams LIVE at www.moonstoneartscenter.com, click on the Watch Live button. Founded in 2002 by Cassendre Xavier, the Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series is a nurturing environment that celebrates women in the craft of multi-genre writing. For submissions and other information, please visit www.WomensWritingSeries.org