The Moonstone Publishing Press: Perfect Bound Books

The Moonstone Publishing Press: Perfect Bound Books

If your book is accepted, we will do the following:

Design and image features

  • Customization of Cover and Interior in consultation with our designer

Suggested Production features

  • 6X9 trim size for perfect bound
  • (poems in this would need to fit at space 4” by 7”)
  • copy in 12 pt with headings in 14 pt
  • text: 60# Natural 420 PPI, black ink
  • cover: 10pt C1S, 4 color gloss or matte
  • a perfect bound book should have a spine of at least 1/4″
  • which means minimum of 80 pages of text

Things you should think about

  • Do you have pictures/illustrations that you want included?
  • Do you have ideas for the cover, or do you want us to design it?
  • Do you want to include a dedication or acknowledgements page?
  • Do you want to include an author page with photo and bio?
  • Do you have quotes for the back cover?

Post-publication features

  • Registration with Books In Print® Database
  • Assignment of International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • Worldwide Online Book Distribution
  • Online Book Sales


  • Retail price $20
  • First Order: 100 copies of a 100page perfect bound book will cost about $1000
  • Reprint Order: minimum reprint is 25 copies @ $9.00 per book

Deposit & Payment

We need 50% when you sign the contract and 50% when the 100 copies are delivered

Moonstone will retain 10 copies of your book for sale at the Moonstone on-line store