100 Thousand Poets For Change

Moonstone Arts Center in Association with

Brandywine Workshop, the Clef Club and Work for Progress for America present 

100 poets for Change

Saturday September 27, 2014 – 4pm

At Brandywine Workshop – 728 S. Broad Street

Join us as we join other poets, musicians, and artists around the world in a demonstration/celebration to promote peace and sustainability and to call for serious social, environmental and political change


  • Music

Complementing the poetry and visual art presentations will be performances by the Clef Club of Jazz’s Youth Ensemble directed by Lovett Hines




  • Poetry

www.moonstoneartscenter.com for more information and the list of readers

100 Thousand Poets for Change is an international grassroots educational organization focusing on the arts, especially poetry, music, and the literary arts. Founded in 2011 by Michael Rothenberg and Terri Carrion it focuses on a world-wide event each September. 700 events in 550 cities in 95 countries took place on September 24, 2011 and the event was described as the largest poetry event in history.


  • Art & Artists Advocating for Change, September 8th – October 3rd

From their earliest presence, artists have worked with movements for progress. Artists have been censored, imprisoned, exiled, blacklisted and disappeared for wanting a better world and putting their hands to work to show their beliefs. Robert Brand and Elizabeth Werthan have spent decades collecting the work of politically engaged artists. A selection of political fine art prints and posters will be on view in the Glass Lobby Gallery of the Brandywine Workshop during the month of September. This exhibition features artists who have advocated for peace, the end of apartheid, civil rights in the United States, the end of nuclear weapons, popular uprisings, civil disobedience, socialism, the end of war in Vietnam, and

 (Image: Gudmundur Erro – “Untitled (American Interiors)” 1968 ) an end to the continued inequalities in today’s society.


  • Open House at Brandywine Workshop

The event is being hosted on the campus of Brandywine Workshop on the Avenue of the Arts. This world class arts organization will also be celebrating its 42nd anniversary by opening its printmaking studios to guests. Guests will be able learn about printmaking processes and browse great bargains in the collection of prints for sale. Sale proceeds benefit young Local Artist Residencies.