BJ Ward and Joe & Camille Nocella

BJ WardBJ Ward is the author of Jackleg Opera: Collected Poems 1990-2013, Gravedigger’s Birthday, 17 Love Poems with No Despair and Landing in New Jersey with Soft Hands. His poetry has been featured on NPR, New Jersey Network and the web site Poetry Daily, as well as published in Poetry, The American Poetry Review, The New York Times, TriQuarterly, Green Mountains Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Puerto Del Sol and other journals. The Star-Ledger recently named Ward one of the “10 Dynamic Jersey Artists Not Named Springsteen” who are “making a difference,” citing his poetry’s “music and physicality.” Ward is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize for Poetry and two Distinguished Artist Fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He has also been awarded four fellowships from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to live and work at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

Joe & Camille NocellaJoe Nocella served as Organist/Choir director for St. Gabriel’s Church in Norwood, he was the pianist for the Delaware County Symphony Jazz ensemble as a part of their concert series at Neumann College, the Faculty Master Series at Suburban Music School and has appeared at many local jazz clubs throughout the Tri-State area. He was Composer-in-Residence for the Garnet Valley School District and he served as Music Coordinator for Delaware County Community College where he continues to teach. He is also Adjunct Professor of Music at Penn State University and theory, piano and composition instructor for Suburban Music School. Camelia Nocella has read for Poets and Prophets, Cadence Crafters, the Delaware Valley Woman’s Conference and the Philadelphia Writer’s Conference as well as participated in the Painted Bride’s Word-Up, The South Street Arts Festival, the Media Arts and Philadelphia Fringe Festivals. She was the associate editor of The Mad Poets Review, an award winning poet at the Philadelphia Writer’s Conference, a member of the Wild Women Of Poetry, host for the poetry series at the Regency Café in Lansdowne PA.. Her newest publication of a collection of her poems “its been a long time since.” Joseph Nocella is a long time member of the American Composers Forum, and the Organization for Church Musicians for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Delaware County Community College hosted a Retrospective of the music of


Open Reading follows, Dave Worrell, host


59 responses to “BJ Ward and Joe & Camille Nocella”

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