Daniel Moore & Rafi Lev

The Moonstone Poetry Series Presents:


Rafi Lev is still searching for a reliable Muse. Even so, he recently published some of his work in the Fox Chase Review. Currently, he serves as the Arts and Spirituality Center’s Board liaison to Greater Philadelphia’s We The Poets initiative. In addition, he is involved in museum education, diversity training and para-chaplaincy service. For five years, he performed with Full Circle Theatre’s Intergenerational Improv Troupe. Originally from the Midwest and an avid linguist, Lev has lived and studied in Latin America and the Middle East, as well as worked and traveled extensively in Africa, Asia and Europe. Rafi is proud to be a member of Center City Poets for the past 3 years. He is rumored to have one of the largest refrigerator magnet collections in the Delaware Valley.

Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore’s first book of poems, Dawn Visions, was published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti of City Lights Books in 1964. He created and directed The Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company in Berkeley in the late 60’s, and presented two major productions, The Walls Are Running Blood, and Bliss Apocalypse. He became a Sufi Muslim in 1970, performed the Hajj in 1972, and lived and traveled throughout Morocco, Spain, Algeria and Nigeria, landing in California and publishing The Desert is the Only Way Out, and Chronicles of Akhira in the early 80s. Residing in Philadelphia since 1990, in 1996 he published The Ramadan Sonnets, and in 2002, The Blind Beekeeper. He has been the major editor for a number of works, including The Burdah of Shaykh Busiri, translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, and the poetry of Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish, translated by Munir Akash. He is also widely published on the worldwide web: The American Muslim, DeenPort, and his own website: danielmoorepoetry.com, and poetry blog: ecstaticxchange.wordpress.com.

Open Reading to follow