Michelle Castleberry, Grant Clauser & Sean Webb

Moonstone Poetry @ Fergie’s Pub

1214 Sansom Street.

Wednesday August 13, 2014, 7pm


Michelle Castleberry, Grant Clauser, Sean Webb


michelle castleberryMichelle Castleberry’s work has appeared in Umbrella, The Naugatuck River Review, Poemeleon, The Anthology of Southern Poetry: Vol. V – Georgia, and The Chattahoochee Review. She is regular reader in the Athens, Georgia community of Word of Mouth, a monthly open poetry reading. Her work, in text and audio form can be found at  www.michellecastleberry.com. Her first book, Dissecting the Angel and Other Poems, was recently selected as finalist in poetry for the Georgia Author of the Year Award.


grant clauserGrant Clauser is the author of the books Necessary Myths (winner of the 2013 Dogfish Head Poetry Prize) and The Trouble with Rivers. Poems have appeared in The Literary ReviewPainted Bride QuarterlyCortland ReviewAmerican Poetry Review, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review and others. In 2010 he was Montgomery County Poet Laureate. By day he writes about electronics and daydreams about fly fishing. He runs workshops at Musehouse and other writing conferences and runs the blog www.unIambic.com.



sean webbSean Webb has been recipient of numerous honors and awards for his work including fellowships from The Arizona Commission on the Arts and the Utah Arts Council, and a research assistantship while studying at the Iowa Writers Workshop where he received his MFA. In 2005 Mr. Webb was selected by Grace Paley to serve as Poet Laureate of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Recently, he was the featured poet in the Schuylkill Valley Journal and was nominated for a Pushcart prize, and he had a poem included in the exhibit Making Magic: Beauty in Word and Image, at the Michener Museum. He was the poetry division winner or runner up in four consecutive Philadelphia Citypaper writing contests, and in 2014 he won the Passages North Neutrino Short-Short Prize. His work has appeared in dozens of publications including The North American Review, Prairie Schooner, The Seattle Review, and an anthology titled Poems of Frances and Clare.

Open Reading follows, Charles S. Carr, host