Moonstone Poetry @ Brandywine Workshop

Moonstone Poetry @ Brandywine Workshop

728 S. Broad Street

Friday October 18, 2013

Burning River Press Reading Featuring press authors Christopher Bowen, Jane Rosenberg LaForge and Philadelphia poets Rodger Lowenthal, Bruce Kramer

Christopher Bowen’s fiction has appeared in over a dozen journals, including Everyday Genius, Hobart and Ginosko. He has chapbook, We Were Giants, small press, Burning River, a blog and served as a resident writer in Quebec. Jane Rosenberg LaForge is the author of An Unsuitable Princess: A True Fantasy/A Fantastical Memoir, With Apologies to Mick Jagger, Other Gods, and All Women. Rodger Lowenthal’s poetry and book reviews have appeared in a number of small presses, he hosts a quarterly reading series and is an occasional book reviewer and host for the Fox Chase Review and Reading Series. Most of Bruce Kramer’s work has appeared in boring technical documents, medical publications, and marketing propaganda, but he has also been published in the occasional magazine and literary publication. He believes in cold beer, rock and roll, and baseball. He has poetry forthcoming from Barrelhouse Magazine.