Moonstone’s July 31 Readings, 7pm- Fergie’s Pub

Charles S. Carr, Suzan Jivan, Elijah B. Pringle, Dave Worrell. 

Fergie’s Pub- 1214 Sansom Street

Charles S. Carr is a native Philadelphian, born and raised in Southwest Germantown. In 2007 Charles Mad Poets Review First  Prize Winner for his poem “Waiting To Come North”. His poems have been published in various print and on-line local and national poetry journals. Suzán Jiván, is a nom de plume, which typifies Jivan’s desire to promote “life” through poetry. Two  chapbooks of poetry have been published: “Looking in and Sipping: Collected Poems by Suzán Jiván ” (Mobley Publishing 2012)  and “Breeze Freely to Eternity: Collected Poems by Suzán Jiván” (Mobley Publishing 2013). Elijah B. Pringle III is the former on-air host of Panoramic Poetry at October  He is the author of At the Cornerstone, Feeding the Sparrow, and Second Saturday at Serenity. His work has been in Edison Poetry Review, Fox Chase Review, The River Poets Journal etc. Dave Worrell studied literature and philosophy at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y.  His first chapbook, “We Who Were Bound” was published  by Casa de Cinqo Hermanas Press in 2012.  Other poems have appeared in U.S. 1 Worksheets, Fox Chase Review, Exit 13, Up & Under, and The Wild River Review. He is currently assistant editor of Mad Poets Review.