Poetic Quid Pro Quo

March 6, 2013  at 7pm

What is poetic quid pro quo?

This is about: fellow poets reading your work! and you reading the works of
fellow poets! Bring at least one poem for someone else to read.  You
read/recite one and read the work of one of the poets in attendance.  Then
someone else has the pleasure of reading your work.  For more information
call Elijah at 267.312.3600


First Wednesday of the month be coordinated and hosted by Elijah B. Pringle, III, former on-air host of Panoramic Poetry at October Gallery.com, he is the author of At the Cornerstone, Feeding the Sparrow, and Second Saturday at Serenity. His work has been in Edison Poetry Review, Fox Chase Review, The God’s Must Be Bored, and will have a Feature is The River Poets Journal. Come join us for first Wednesdays at Fergie for Poetic Quid Pro Quo.


One response to “Poetic Quid Pro Quo”

  1. Major thanks for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.