Artists and Writers/ Words to Wall Collaborations

Moonstone Poetry @ Brandywine Workshop

728 S. Broad Street.

Saturday April 12 – 7pm

Lamont B. Steptoe on Jayne Cortez

A Philadelphia Poetry Day Event


jaynecortezJoin Lamont Steptoe in discussing Jayne Cortez and other artists who have brought together the arts of language, visual art and music. Jayne Cortez was an African-American poet, activist, small press publisher and spoken-word performance artist whose voice is celebrated for its political, surrealistic and dynamic innovations in lyricism and visceral sound. Her writing is part of the canon of the Black Arts Movement.There will be an open reading where participants can read their favorite poems by Jayne Cortez and their own work that focuses on or is inspired by visual art or music. On exhibit is Stockpile, a print by artist Mel Edwards and his wife, poet Jayne Cortes.

lamont steptoeLamont B. Steptoe is an American poet, photographer and publisher. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he is the author and/or editor of fifteen poetry collections, the latest of which is Meditations in Congo Square, and publish/founder of Whirlwind Press. Lamont is the winner of an American Book Award and a Pew Fellowship in the Arts.

From April 4 to May 2, 2014, the exhibit, Artists and Writers/ Words to Wall will be presented in the Gallery of Brandywine Workshop, 728 S. Broad Street, to highlight the collaborations and connections visiting artists at Brandywine have made between the two distinct art forms. An installation of prints from the Brandywine Workshop Archives that incorporate artist collaborating with the work of authors and poets. Images are inspired by the writings of activists  Anna Akhamatov, Hortense Spillers, and Zora Neal Hurston; the folklore and mythology of diverse cultures: research of historians and journalists; and the experiences of artists, which may be rooted in their journals and sketchbooks.