Take Control of Your Life & VOTE!

For 400 years, people have fought for the vote. There have been successes and failures. Laws have been passed. People have been murdered and lunched. We have produced a 20-page graphic history of the Struggle to Vote as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

The 20-page graphic history, along with 15 essays is published as a 40-page tabloid newspaper The Gathering at the Crossroads. Click above or below to view and download.

The papers are FREE. Due to the pandemic, many of the locations which were going to give out the paper are closed. You can pick up as many copies as you like at the Moonstone Office.

Contact us at 215-735-9600 or larry@moonstoneartscenter.com to arrange to pick up copies.

The newspaper was made possible by The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, the official fiscal agent for the Commonwealth Monument Project, an initiative of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism-Harrisburg Peace Promenade.